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Monday, February 13, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

Saturday started our crazy Alice in Wonderland-a-thon.  We happen to own three versions of the stories Alice's Adventures in Wonderland  and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.  The one we watched first was a SyFy movie plainly called Alice.

This version is interesting and I think Lindsey likes it more than I do.  The talking animals and such are actually people in this one who have traits or characteristics like their animal representation in the original.  Like I said it is an interesting take on it.  This is a grown up Alice, unlike the child Alice we are more familiar with.  We never really find out if it is supposed to be the same Alice from the original all grown up or not.  I say no because it is set in modern times and the original obviously wasn't.  So how could a child from the Victorian era grow up to be a 20 something in modern-day America?

The mood is more somber and gritty I guess you'd say.  There are modern looking cities, but in a fairy tail, bizarro kind of way.  So my verdict is that its ok but not my favorite.

Last night we watched Disney's version, Alice in Wonderland.  This is the version we are all comfortably familiar with and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what its like.  What I noticed when we watched it last night is that Alice herself in this one is actually pretty interesting and does funny, querky things.  I always kind of saw her as being this background normal thing to all the crazy antics going on around her.  I like her character a lot more than I thought I did.

Our third Alice movie is Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.  I suppose we'll get to that one tonight, but Once Upon A Time might over-ride it assuming there is a new one tonight..  Once Upon A Time is a TV series we are currently enthralled with. It's pretty good you should check it out.

Once Upon A Time - ABC

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