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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

My fiancé and I decided we are going to watch all the movies we own in alphabetical order.  We decided to do this because neither of us think that... well we know we haven't watched all our movies together.  We are going to watch them in alphabetical order because that is how they are shelved and also to keep track of ones we already watched. 

We are going to watch one a day.  This is our plan anyway.  I think maybe we might watch 2 some days.  But we belong to the Blockbuster Online by mail sort of thing also so we dicided that when we get our Blockbuster movie in the mail well watch that and skip watching one on our list.  If we feel up for it we might watch a Blockbuster movie and one from our list, but probably not.  I think we have decided we are going to start this tomorrow (1-22-12).  We have one of our Blockbuster movies tonight, so maybe if we feel like it we'll watch that and the first one from our list.

While this is all going on I plan to write a bit about where we are on our gargantuan journey into movie madness.  I'll throw a pic of the movie cover up of the movie we are getting into and hopefully some comments on said movie.  I might as well post about our Blockbuster movies also.  So tonight we are watching:

Season of the Witch

This is a Nicolas Cage flick, obviously, and apparently it was in theaters Jan. 7th.   Right off the top of my mind I don't know what it is about really.  Some kind of witchery I'd imagine, and Nick Cage with a firey sword.  I'll fill you in on it after we watch it. 

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