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Monday, February 13, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

Saturday started our crazy Alice in Wonderland-a-thon.  We happen to own three versions of the stories Alice's Adventures in Wonderland  and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.  The one we watched first was a SyFy movie plainly called Alice.

This version is interesting and I think Lindsey likes it more than I do.  The talking animals and such are actually people in this one who have traits or characteristics like their animal representation in the original.  Like I said it is an interesting take on it.  This is a grown up Alice, unlike the child Alice we are more familiar with.  We never really find out if it is supposed to be the same Alice from the original all grown up or not.  I say no because it is set in modern times and the original obviously wasn't.  So how could a child from the Victorian era grow up to be a 20 something in modern-day America?

The mood is more somber and gritty I guess you'd say.  There are modern looking cities, but in a fairy tail, bizarro kind of way.  So my verdict is that its ok but not my favorite.

Last night we watched Disney's version, Alice in Wonderland.  This is the version we are all comfortably familiar with and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what its like.  What I noticed when we watched it last night is that Alice herself in this one is actually pretty interesting and does funny, querky things.  I always kind of saw her as being this background normal thing to all the crazy antics going on around her.  I like her character a lot more than I thought I did.

Our third Alice movie is Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.  I suppose we'll get to that one tonight, but Once Upon A Time might over-ride it assuming there is a new one tonight..  Once Upon A Time is a TV series we are currently enthralled with. It's pretty good you should check it out.

Once Upon A Time - ABC

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

So, its been a little while since my last update, but we have been watching our movies.  We had to take a few nights off for various things like going out with Lindsey's parents for her mom's birthday and we went to the actual movies one day.  We saw Hugo by the way, it was really good.

Last one I told you about was The Abyss.  After that on our list came:
Across the Universe.  This had a very great possibility of being terrible.  But I happen to really enjoy this movie.  The song selections are great and appropriate and I really like all the arrangements.  The only one I take issue with its The Benefit of Mr. Kite.  I love Eddie Izzard, but that was just not good.

Then there was:
The Addams Family double feature.  What can I say?  Both of these movies are great, perfectly cast and I just love watching them.  I love you Raul Julia.

And last night we watched:
So, A.I.  Kind of creepy and kind of touching both together.  OK maybe a lot creepy.  I have a thing for movies with Robots as the lead characters.  You'll find that out though.  Its one of those movies that leaves you saying to yourself "well that was kind of depressing".  And so we needed something a little more upbeat before bed.

So the next in line was Airheads and that fit the bill pretty nicely.  Something that isn't depressing or scary and you don't have to think about too hard.  I find Brandon Fraser's character to be the most  unbelievable in this one.  Something with the way he portrays a Hard Rockin badass just doesn't come across to me.  But it's a funny movie with a semi interesting plot.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

Last night we watched on of my favorite movies, The Abyss.  Why is it one of my favorite movies?  I don't really know.  It sparked something within me when I was a child and ever since it's been up there on my favorites list.

I have the special edition but we watched the theatrical version.  I think I like that one better.  Probably because it is the one I grew up with.  Plus the theatrical version is 2.5 hours long as it is and the special edition has added footage.  Plus I think the special edition one has some added politics to it.  When you add something to a movie it shouldn't be politics.

I also highly recommend the novelization by Orson Scott Card.  I think that is the only time I'd ever recommend a novelization of a movie.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

We watched (500) Days of Summer tonight.

It is a good movie and we both really like Zooey Deschenel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt a lot.  It is a little depressing but it has nice funny parts.  We both kind of feel the same way about Zooey's character (Summer) in that we don't like her too much.  She's a cool chick and is funny and smart and all that business, but she is kind of reckless with people's emotions and selfish.

One thing we both really like is the music video the both of them made that I'm pretty sure is on the extra features of the DVD.

We both also really like the song too.  I wanted to write something else about this but Lindsey wanted to watch the video and I completely forgot what it was.  Oh well, maybe I'll remember later.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

I'm not feeling much like writing right now so I'll just tell you what we watched tonight.  Last night we went to my parents house to watch Glee but it wasn't on because of the State of the Union.  So tonight we watched 2 movies to make up for not watching one last night.

300 and 101 Dalmatians.  Kind of opposites as far as movies go.  We saved 101 Dalmatians for last because its a nice light subject mater before bed.  Although I want to say that Disney is obsessed with dogs.  At least there is a good guy cat in there.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

Today we watched:

16 Blocks

 This movie stars Bruce Willis and Mos Def.  I think this is the first thing I saw Mos Def in and I gotta say, he is probably my favorite part of this movie.  Bruce Willis is good too but you kinda know what to expect from him, especially as someone playing a cop, although a different kind of cop than he usually plays.  He is actually kind of like the character he played in Sin City, sort of a broken down cop at the end of his career. 

I think this is a very overlooked movie.  I think the title and the images provoke notions of something other than what the movie turns out to be, which is actually kind of a nice surprise.  Its much more character driven than an action type movie, which is what the trailers and the posters kind of present it as.

Anyway it's a good movie.  Just because I own a movie does not mean it is good, as you will see... but so far the first 3 have been winners.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

So yesterday was like more of a trial run because we didn't actually start on the list of movies we own.  That was our Blockbuster rental so today is our actual start day with our own movies.  Today we watched:

3:10 to Yuma                                              and              9

Kind of an odd pairing, but both good all the same.  They actually both end on kind of a sad note which put us off a little and we feel like we need something a little more uplifting at the moment, but its pretty late now to start another one.

So what can I say, 3:10 to Yuma is a great movie with a great cast and Russell Crowe and Christian Bale are great in it.  We feel like the casting could have been reversed with their two characters and it wouldn't matter much.  It would have had a different feeling probably but it still would have been pretty kick-ass.

9 is visually a good movie and you surely get that Tim Burton feel all over it but with a twist of something else I can't put my finger on.  We were saying it feels a bit like Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk together.  We both have our favorite little doll people.  I happen to like the out there artist guy #6 and the kick ass warrior woman #7.  Lindsey likes the cataloging mute twins #3 and #4 and also the warrior woman #7.  How can you not like her?

We had a Hot Dog dinner with corn during the intermission between the two movies.  After the movies I decided it would be a good idea to actually print a list of the movies so we can cross them out when we are done with them.  So I had to get the list together which took along time and got it printed.  After crossing out only 2 of the 360 something movies we have... well, it was a little disheartening.  We have a long, long way to go.  I think we have more movies than days in the year so this will take a good deal more than a year to complete what with interjecting Blockbuster movies in there and if you consider how we wont really be able to watch movies during our wedding crazieness and our honeymoon in Disneyworld (woooohooo!)

So ends day one...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Movie Project (watch all our movies)


OK so we finished the movie (Season of the Witch) with a few technical difficulties. (first computer wouldn't play DVD, then it malfunctioned my computer somehow halfway through) 

I enjoyed the movie, I thought it was entertaining.  It wasn't the greatest movie ever, but it also wasn't the worst.  I feel like it suffered slightly from an identity crisis.  There was action, witches (kinda), demons, comedy, possessions, buddy/bromance, crusades, crisis' of faith, mystery... the only thing it lacked was a love story which is kind of a nice change of pace.  But there was a lot going on and I feel like it had a hard time establishing itself and I didn't really get too attached to the characters possible as a result.

The two main characters, who I can't really tell you the names of, played well off of each other but I think this is more a result of the actors playing them (Nicholas Cage, Ron Pearlman) than the script.  I was reminded of Kingdom of Heaven at points and of Army of Darkness at others and very few times parts of the Exorcist movies.  Bottom line here is that I thought it was worth watching, not worth owning.

Movie Project (watch all our movies)

My fiancĂ© and I decided we are going to watch all the movies we own in alphabetical order.  We decided to do this because neither of us think that... well we know we haven't watched all our movies together.  We are going to watch them in alphabetical order because that is how they are shelved and also to keep track of ones we already watched. 

We are going to watch one a day.  This is our plan anyway.  I think maybe we might watch 2 some days.  But we belong to the Blockbuster Online by mail sort of thing also so we dicided that when we get our Blockbuster movie in the mail well watch that and skip watching one on our list.  If we feel up for it we might watch a Blockbuster movie and one from our list, but probably not.  I think we have decided we are going to start this tomorrow (1-22-12).  We have one of our Blockbuster movies tonight, so maybe if we feel like it we'll watch that and the first one from our list.

While this is all going on I plan to write a bit about where we are on our gargantuan journey into movie madness.  I'll throw a pic of the movie cover up of the movie we are getting into and hopefully some comments on said movie.  I might as well post about our Blockbuster movies also.  So tonight we are watching:

Season of the Witch

This is a Nicolas Cage flick, obviously, and apparently it was in theaters Jan. 7th.   Right off the top of my mind I don't know what it is about really.  Some kind of witchery I'd imagine, and Nick Cage with a firey sword.  I'll fill you in on it after we watch it.